Admissions & Enrollment

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Lower Secondary

Placement Age

Placement Age for current Academic Year as per Ministry of Education (MOE).

We Educate Students to be Exceptional Learners and Independent Thinkers of Vision, Courage and Integrity

Admissions Process

For more information, please contact at

  1. Complete Enrollment Application (Please answer all of the questions).
  2. Six recent passport size Photographs.
  3. ID card or Valid Resident Permit (Iqama) for student and parents/guardian.
  4. Student’s Birth Certificate.
  5. Student’s Vaccination/Immunization Card.
  6. Student's Passport information pages.
  7. Passport information pages for the parents/guardian.
  8. Medical Fitness Certificate (blank copy is available)
  9. Original Previous Academic Record for students from K.S.A.
    i. Previous Result Card or Transcript (Not required for KGs).
    ii. Previous School Leaving Certificate.
  10. Original Previous Academic Record for students from outside K.S.A.
    i. Previous Result Card or Transcript (Not required for KGs).
    ii. Previous School Leaving Certificate.
    iii. Above documents must be attested by:
    o Ministry of Education in the country where the child attended the school.
    o Saudi Embassy in the country where the child attended the school.
    o Ministry of Education, K.S.A.

An Entrance Exam is conducted for KG3-Grade 9 Admissions for the combination of English, Mathematics and Science. 

For more information on the Examination Outlines and Sample Test, Refer here.

On the day, a new student joins JGIS. The following is carried out: 

  1. Books Handover
  2. Allotment of Section
  3. Login Credentials for LMS and Reachapp are shared.

Fee Structure 2024-2025